Comprehensive Functional Voice Training
making your goals a reality

Singing is often viewed as a superpower, either you have it or you don’t, there is no in between.

Fortunately those of us who teach singing know this belief is False! And we’ve watched our students prove it time and time again.

The truth is singing is a learned skill, just like sports or dance. 

While some students may have a natural propensity for singing, they are not the only students who can or will excel with proper training and coaching. 

Here at CVAS I believe in empowering students from all different musical or non musical backgrounds to achieve their vocal goals and dreams.

From young singers who are just beginning, to more advanced students who want to round out their education, to those who are struggling with specific obstacles such as “I can’t sing high/low/soft/insert your struggle here…” my offerings are designed to provide you with the knowledge and skill set needed to achieve your goals.

This empowerment comes from a comprehensive vocal education that puts YOU the student as the center agent.

My job as a voice instructor is to guide you into a deeper understanding of how your voice functions while also helping you build necessary musical skills so that you can make empowered, healthy, and stylistically appropriate choices, every time you sing. 

Through coaching, lessons, group classes, and master classes I work with you to ensure your vocal dreams become a reality.

I absolutely love taking lessons with you. You’ve allowed me to make progress…I was scared I could never make so much faster than I ever thought possible.

CC – Student

Developmentally appropriate vocal instruction for the young singer.

Cruz Vocal Arts Studio fills two important needs in the Shreveport-Bossier area.

First, I provide developmentally appropriate vocal instruction for the young singer.

Often singers are discouraged from starting formal training at a young age due to the belief that it is “dangerous” for children to begin formal vocal instruction too early.

Fortunately this belief is false! Children can benefit from formal instruction at an early age and it can even make the vocal transition during puberty easier!

By utilizing instruction grounded in the science of vocal development and function, young voices can safely begin training as soon as they show an interest in singing.

For the youngest singers (ages 2-5) group instruction focused on experiencing music and vocal exploration empowers young singers with a solid base on which to build future learning.

For those age 5 and older, individual instruction can begin and compliment group instruction.

Learning healthy vocal habits at a young age sets singers up for a lifetime of vocal health and freedom. Students with early training develop a solid foundation, empowering them to pursue music professionally or simply for personal enjoyment later in life.

Annabeth is upstairs in the shower belting out “Michael in the Bathroom” from Be More Chill and “Sincerely, Me” from Dear Evan Hansen. To my untrained ear, she sounds pretty darn good! I just wanted to drop a note and thank you for taking the time to help her each week. I appreciate you so very much! My girl loves to sing. Thank you for all that you do to help her build her talent in this area.

Angie – Parent

Individually tailored voice instruction for older students

Second, Cruz Vocal Arts Studio provides individually tailored voice instruction for older students (teens and adults) who are seeking to find greater vocal mastery and freedom.

Whether you’re just starting out or looking to build upon existing skills our studio offerings are sure to empower you along the way.

Beginning students develop a solid foundation in healthy vocal function, body mapping, diction, ear training, sight singing, and music theory. Giving you the foundation you need to achieve all of your goals!

Experienced singers develop greater vocal balance, awareness, and expression and fill in any gaps in vocal and/or musical knowledge. Empowering you to continue pursuing music confidently with greater freedom and expression.


Private Voice

Develop your vocal and musical skills with one-on-one weekly lessons. Individually tailored instruction means meeting your personal artistic goals has never been easier.

Private Coaching

Do you have an audition, competition, or performance just around the corner? Take advantage of one of our coaching packages to make sure you are in top condition.

Group Voice

Perfect for the young beginner, group voice allows young children to explore their voices in a safe, fun, engaging environment while developing life-long friendships in the process.

Why choose to study with me?

Having struggled to overcome poor habits developed during my undergraduate years that created a “sticky” spot or what is often referred to as a “break” in my own voice, I understand the frustration, struggle, and pain of longing to sing with freedom but being met with constant constriction.

Fortunately that is not the end of my story…and it doesn’t have to be the end of yours!  I choose to continue delving deeper and deeper into healthy vocal function and pedagogy and have spent the last ten years reading, researching, and studying to not only overcome my own personal obstacles, but to also ensure that I have the skills needed to empower all of my students to over come theirs.

— Liesl Cruz, Studio Owner and Instructor


Every voice is unique.

Here at CVAS I honor each individual voice by helping you develop life-long healthy vocal production and artistry across Contemporary Commercial Music (CCM) and Classical styles.

There is no “magic” vocal exercise that will bring about perfect singing from every student every time.

However it is possible to create customized vocal exercises that strengthen, balance, and bring out the beauty of each  voice while honoring style parameters in healthy ways.

My comprehensive approach rooted in my understanding of the principles of Somatic Voicework™ the LoVetri method coupled with my training in Kodaly and my background in educational pedagogy,  means each individual lesson, class, and coaching session is tailored to meet each students unique vocal goals and needs. Empowering you with the knowledge and skills needed to achieve your goals.

Have additional questions?

Let’s talk.